May 17, 2021

Benton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 17, 2021


Members Present: Debbie Clark, Stephanie Hart, Chris Jerrells, Sue Wells, Brian Crisp. Pat Hollada was via phone. Absent: Kathy Storey

Library Director: Susan Stickel

Meeting Call to Order: At 5:32 by Sue Wells

Sue Wells was sworn in (after the April elections) by Judge Dirnbeck.
Brian Crisp was sworn in (after the April elections) by Judge Dirnbeck.

Sue Wells was (re) elected President of the Board.
Nominated by Chris Jerrells. 2nd Nomination by Brian Crisp.

Debbie Clark was elected Vice president of the Board.
Nominated by Stephanie Hart. 2nd Nomination by Brian Crisp.

Chris Jerrells was elected Secretary of the Board.
Nominated by Sue Wells. 2nd Nomination by Stephanie Hart.

Kathy Storey was elected Treasurer of the Board.
Nominated by Stephanie Hart. 2nd Nomination by Sue Wells.

Payment of the Bills:
Unanimous Consent

Financial Report:
Stephanie Hart Motions to pass. Brian Crisp gives 2nd Motion to pass.

Librarian’s Report:

  1. ”Emergency Handbook” was distributed by Susan Stickel. It contains an update on the names/numbers of employees and board members and S.O.P. of the library.
  2. Susan distributed “Reading Colors Your World.” It is an update on the 2021 Summer Reading Program.
  3. The board decides to stay with the Watler Accounting firm through fiscal year 2021-2022.
  4. Susan contacted Craig Miles from the City of Benton to inquire about signs for the library.
  5. Benton Park District will be given permission to meet in the library Conference Room.
  6. Board decides to increase the building’s cleaner’s (Lisa Keener) pay from $1,000 a month to $1,150.00 a month
  7. C. J. Easter’s name was mentioned for a bid to re-seal the parking lot.
  8. Update on issuance of library cards:
      April 2019 – 18 cards
      April 2021 – 10 cards
  9. Old Business:

    1. Debbie Clark distributes a “Recommendation Table” for the Hourly/Salaried pay increases through the year 2025 for library employees.
      • Debbie Clark recommends two salary employees (Susan and Kim L.) raise effective July1,2021. Abiding by State of Illinois Minimum wage law, all hourly employees will receive raises each January 1st, through the year 2025.
      • Motion by Debbie Clark to recommend a 4% raise for 2021-2022 to salaried employees lacked a second motion. Brian Crisp motioned for a 5% pay raise seconded by Sue Wells passed. All were in favor
    2. Reading Garden: Receives an anonymous contribution for a flowerbed.
    3. Grant for property to the south of the existing library.
      • Debbie wants Mike McGuire to come in and draft a layout for a building and parking lot.
      • Henry Stickel was brought into the meeting and provided his plans and thoughts for the development of the property.
      • Susan will write the grant for a “multi-purpose building and parking lot.”

    New Business:

    1. Budget Hearing scheduled for July 12 at 5:15 pm.
    2. July 4 is Sunday – the library will remain OPEN. In observance of the Monday Holiday Act, the library will CLOSE on July 5.
    3. Ameren Energy Efficiency Program:
      • We will begin to move to ALL LED lighting.
      • Stephanie motions and Sue Wells seconds motion
      • $3,700 cost
    4. SICF Grant
      • For books and supplements that speak to “racial healing” in this country will be purchased.
    5. Susan will be on vacation from May 24 – May 28.

    Other Business:

    1. Brian discusses the idea of local educators receiving a library card (if they are out of district) to access materials and better educate the students in the area.
    2. Susan will check into this.


    Adjournment: 6:55 pm.

    Chris Jerrells
    Secretary of the Board of Trustees


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