August 10, 2020

AUGUST 10, 2020
5:30 PM

President Sue Wells called the meeting to order at 5:53 PM

Members Present: Debbie Clark, Stephanie Hart, Doris Heaton, Pat Hollada, Kathy Storey, and Sue Wells.

Members absent: Chris Jerrells

Also Present: Director Susan Stickel

Motion by Doris Heaton, seconded by Stephanie Hart to approve the minutes of the July Budget Hearing and the Regular Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes passed. All were in favor.

Motion by Stephanie Hart, seconded by Debbie Clark to approve the payment of bills passed. All were in favor.

Motion by Doris Heaton, seconded by Stephanie Hart to approve the financial reports passed. All were in favor.

Librarian’s Report:


We are still waiting on the rope that has been ordered for the Illinois flag.

Parts were ordered and received for the exterior southeast door of the front entrance to the library building.


All programming is suspended until safe to gather.

Old business:

Personnel – We have one individual retiring at the end of August. A former employee has expressed interest in returning to work.

Reaading Garden:

Hobbs Service Co., is waiting on materials to arrive in order to construct the archway sign.

Plantscape has again sprayed the weeds and grass in the Butterfly Garden. Some type of groundcover was needed in a small area just south of the pavilion. They will be returning soon to take care of this space.

For educational purposes, plans are in process to label all plants and trees in the Garden.

The children’s playhouse was delivered Monday afternoon.

Motion by Doris Heaton, seconded by Stephanie Hart that the Reading Garden not contain any playground equipment including swings, slides, teeter-totters, or climbing paraphernalia. This motion passed by role call vote. Those voting Yea: Debbie Clark, Stephanie Hart, Doris Heaton, Kathy Storey, & Sue Wells. Board members voting Nay: Pat Hollada

Motion by Doris Heaton, seconded by Stephanie Hart to approve a policy stating any interaction with the media or any fundraising efforts by a trustee shall receive prior approval by the Board of Trustees at a Board of Trustees meeting passed by roll call vote. Those voting Yea: Debbie Clark, Stephanie Hart, Doris Heaton, Kathy Storey, & Sue Wells. Board members voting Nay: None. Board members voting Present: Pat Hollada

New Business:

Susan is currently working on the IPLAR yearly report of the library. It will be completed and submitted by September 1st.

There being no other business, Debbie Clark motioned to adjourn and was seconded by Kathy Storey at 6:06 PM.

Susan Stickel


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