August 8, 2017

AUGUST 8, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 by Doris Heaton.

Members present: Debra Clark, Stephanie Hart, Doris Heaton, Pat Hollada and Kathy Storey. Also present Joe Deville, Kim Livesay and Director Susan Stickel.

Members Absent: Jake Seymour and Sue Wells

Motion by Stephanie Hart, seconded by Pat Hollada to approve the minutes of the July meeting. All were in favor.

Motion by Stephanie Hart, seconded by Debra Clark to move $5,000.00 out of personnel contingency to the building fund. All were in favor.

Librarian’s Report:

The American Girl & Lego raffle totaled $312.00.

Rocket Program launch is this Saturday at the BMS at 5:30.

The library is now the site for the Rules of the Road courses. At a later date Susan will arrange a car seat check and bicycle safety course that the state sponsors.

The annual staff rummage sale dates have been set for Friday and Saturday, October 6th and 7th from 9 to 5 both days. Proceeds from the sale will help with the children’s Christmas program that is planned.

Gehman’s has been contacted regarding picnic tables.

Donations continue honoring the marriage of Elizabeth & Ido Melamed totaling $395.00.

Watler Accounting have started the annual audit of the library.

Library employees Joe Deville and Connie Irvin represented the library at the Hospital “Back to School”event. Ten new patrons were registered.


The position of program director has been tabled.

The Director’s evaluation has been tabled.

While discussing installing the interior automatic door Susan was instructed to gather more information on improving handicap accessibility to the restrooms so perhaps all can be done at the same time. Tabled until September meeting.

The board had asked emplyee Joe Deville to be a part of the discussion about computer upgrades that will need to be made in the future. Susan reported possibly applying through E-Rate on any upgrades. Motion by Stephanie Hart, seconded by Pat Hollada for Susan to aply for Category 2 funding through E-Rate. All were in favor.

Plans are underway to expand the children’s area incorporating fun outdoor scenes and seating. Doris Heaton presented pictures for a project like this. Several of the board members are going to take part in this project and report back on their findings. Pat Hollada had made suggestions for a shuffleboard for the adults. She is checking into this as well as fencing the area the same way.

Stephanie Hart motioned, Pat Hollada seconded for the library to purchase the materials for the project. Stephanie Hart motioned, Debra Clark seconded to have Mr Smith complete the additional concrete for the children’s area and the handicap sidewalks in the same day.


Carpet Cleaning has been tabled.

Susan is working on the IPLAR and will have it complete by next week.

No other business to report.

No public comment.

Stephanie Hart motioned, Kathy Storey seconded to adjourn meeting at 6:23.

Susan Stickel


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