April 8, 2019

MARCH 11, 2019
5:30 PM

Doris Heaton called the meeting to order at 5:30.

Members Present: Debbie Clark, Stephanie Hart, Doris Heaton, Pat Hollada, Jake Seymour (by teleconference), and Kathy Storey.

Members Absent: Sue Wells

Also Present: Mark Brewster from Watler Accounting, Bookkeeper Kim Livesay, and Director Susan Stickel.

Watler Accounting staff accountant Mark Brewster rendered his opinion regarding the library’s audit for fiscal year 2017/2018. He reported no irregularities with everything being in good order. He went on to state internal controls were in place and functioning with no issues. He went on to further state the library is in very solid financial shape and appreciated the great cooperation their firm received from the bookkeeper and director while here.

Motion by Doris Heaton, seconded by Debbie Clark to approve the March meeting minutes passed. All were in favor.

Motion by Stephanie Hart, seconded by Pat Hollada to approve the payment of bills passed. All were in favor.

Motion by Debbie Clark, seconded by Stephanie Hart to approve the financial reports passed. All werre in favor.

Librarian’s Report:


Both trees on the front lawn now have mulch and paving bricks around their outer edges for both beauty and lawn maintenance.

Community Outreach:

Genealogy Director Pam Teague and Director Susan Stickel have been invited to the Rotary Club meeting on April 9th. They have asked Pam to give a presentation on genealogy.

The library will be participating in the Head Start event planned at the North Benton Baptist Church on April 26th.


Susan distributed the upcoming calendar of events and discussed the plans for the annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 19th and the fundraising rummage sale June 7th and 8th. The sale will be held from 9 to 5 both days.

Memorials and Donations:

A memorial designated to the Reading Garden was received in honor of Joe Keener.

On behalf of the Franklin Hospital Auxiliary, Pat Hollada thanked the library for the donation of gently used children’s books for the reading areas at the hospital.

Old Business:

Susan informed the board of a staff resignation and briefly discussed circulation desk coverage.

Susan presented the Per Capita Award Lettter and briefly discussed proposed plans for the grant funding.

New Business:

There being no new or further business, Stephanie Hart motioned, Kathy Storey seconded to adjourn the meeeting at 6:07 pm.

Susan Stickel


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