January 11, 2021

JANUARY 11, 2021
5:30 PM

The January 11 meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Sue Wells.

Members Present: Debbie Clark, Stephanie Hart, Doris Heaton (by teleconference), Pat Hollada, Chris Jerrells, Kathy Storey, and Sue Wells.

Also Present: Susan Stickel, Library Director

Doris Heaton expressed that the Library Director should not have to take the minutes of the meeting and she will be taking them for the balance of her term, if the board agrees. There were no objections.

Motion by Stephanie Hart to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 14 passed.

Motion by Doris Heaton to approve the payment of bills passed.

Motion by Debbie Clark to accept the financial reports as presented passed.

Librarian’s Report:
A chart of the daily attendance was distributed.

Thank you notes from the staff for the Christmas gifts were read.

The on-line children’s programming will continue with Kim Livesay and Robin Culbreth. They are going to advertise on Facebook and send flyers to the day care centers.

A donation was given to the library which Susan would like to use for shelving in the Young Adult room, a copier to be housed in the Genealogy Department, monogrammed polo shirts for the staff, and camera equipment for online programming. Permission was given to purchase the copy machine. Prices for the other items are being looked into.

Old Business: None

New Business: There may be a need for an additional employee in the future. It was recommended that the librarian check with Lisa Keener to see if she is interested.

Ordinance 101-21 Banking Ordinance was presented. Doris Heaton made a motion to pass Ordinance 101-21. Motion passed.

Stephanie Hart moved that the new federal mileage reimbursement rate of $0.56 per mile be accepted. Motion passed unanimously.

Chris Jerrell recommended the library subscribe to the Opposing Viewpoints website which is being used by many of the high schools and colleges now. Susan Stickel will do that.

Motion to adjourn by Stephanie Hart at 5:57 p.m. passed.


Doris Heaton, Recording Secretary


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