July 13, 2020

JULY 13, 2020
5:30 PM


Vice President Chris Jerrells called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

Members Present: Debbie Clark, Doris Heaton, Pat Hollada, Chris Jerrells, Kathy Storey, and Sue Wells (by teleconference).

The following were absent: Stephanie Hart

Also Present: Director Susan Stickel and Guest Pat Dobrzynski

Motion by Debbie Clark, seconded by Doris Heaton, seconded by Debbie Clark to approve the June minutes passed. All were in favor.

Motion by Debbie Clark, seconded by Pat Hollada to approve the payment of bills passed. All were in favor.

Motion by Kathy Storey, seconded by Doris Heaton to approve the financial reports passed. All were in favor.

Librarian’s Report:

Susan reported 61 patrons visited the library on Wednesday, July the 1st. This was the first day the library was open to the public since its closure on March the 17th due to the Pandemic.

An Illinois flag has been ordered for the library.


The Emergency Egress Sidewalks & Exterior Improvements Project is now complete.

Many computer keyboards have been replaced with a different style that will tolerate disinfectant sprays and wipes. All other computers were equipped with this particular type of keyboard.

All other maintenance issues pertain to the Reading Garden this month.


All programming is still suspended due to the virus.

Memorials and Donations:

Susan gave report on memorials and donations for the month.

Old Business:

Motion by Doris Heaton, seconded by Kathy Storey to approve Ordinance#102-20 Annual Budget & Appropriations for FY 20/21 passed unanimously by roll call vote.

Library employee Connie Irvin will retire August 31, 2020.

Several items regarding the Reading Garden were discussed.

The Garden will open to the public by Monday the 20th of July. Another coat of sealer needs to be applied to some of the character benches.

The board recognized Dale Houseworth for designing the bean bag toss game as well as Henry Stickel for designing the wooden flower garden inspired by Henry’s granddaughter Natosha.

Susan reported most signs were completed and placed.

Henry Stickel installed two additional drains.

Palntscape repaired a damaged irrigation hose and sprayed weed killer on the “nutsedge” (weeds) in the Buttterfly Garden.

In regards to the washer pitch game, Debbie Clark motioned and Doris Heaton seconded to allow children under the age of 12 with a parent or responsible caregiver to participate. In addition, this motion states that those over the age of 13 that don’t abide by the rules will be barred from usage of this particular game. All games require a check out at the circulation desk. This motion passed with all in agreement.

Pat Hollada spoke about the ordering a playhouse for the garden. After discussion, Pat Hollada motioned, Chris Jerrells seconded to have Susan order the specific play house discussed at the meeting. This motion passed by roll call vote. The following voted yea: Debbie Clark, Pat Hollada, Chris Jerrells, Kathy Storey, and Sue Wells. The following voted nay: Doris Heaton

It was mentioned that perhaps Henry could make some type of sign for the house.

Guest Pat Dobrzynski was present and represented her family in their wish to give a monetary memorial donation toward the purchase of playground equipment/jungle gym. Susan was instructed to contact the library’s insurance provider. This was tabled for the time being. Pat Dobrzynski exited the meeting at approximately 6:00 pm.

New Business:

Motion by Chris Jerrells, seconded by Debbie Clark to close the library on General Election Day, Tuesday, the 3rd of November passed. All were in favor.

Motion by Debbie Clark, seconded by Kathy Storey to accept the estimate from Hobbs Service Company to construct the Reading Garden arch passed. All were in favor.

There being no other business and no public present a motion was made by Kathy Storey, seconded by Doris Heaton to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 pm.

Susan Stickel


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