February 11, 2019

FEBRUARY 11, 2019
5:30 PM


Doris Heaton called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

Members Present: Debbbie Clark, Stephanie Hart, Doris Heaton, Pat Hollada, Jake Seymour (by teleconference), and Kathy Storey.

Members Absent: Sue Wells

Also Present: Director Susan Stickel

Motion by Debbie Clark, seconded by Stephanie Hart to approve the minutes of the January meeeting passed. All were in favor.

Motion by Stephanie Hart, seconded by Debbie Clark to approve the financial reports passed. All were in favor.

Motion by Doris Heaton, seconded by Stephanie Hart to approve the payment of bills passed. All were in favor.

Librarian’s Report:

In regards to maintenance issues, Susan reported that the front exterior door has been repaired. Parts were ordered and maintenance employee Henry Stickel has replaced the worn mechanism that caused the problem.

All outside lighting – statue, flag, monument sign, and employee entrance is once again in working order.

Susan distributed a calendar of events to all in attendance. She announce that a new evening book club will be starting in March. It will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm. We are excited to offer this additional book club opportunity for individuals unable to attend in the afternoon.

The library will be host again this year in celebrating National Genealogy Day. It will be held Saturday, March the 9th, from 11:00 am. to 5:00 pm.

The very popular Easter Egg Hunt is planned for Friday, April the 19th , at 11:00.

Employees Dianne Kolodziej and Lynette Leffler are preparing the spring newletter. It should be available by March the 1st.

Susan requested permission to subscribe to All Acess World Explorer through Ancestry. This site provides access to all US and international records on Ancestry. This will be an upgrade to our subscription by allowing world wide access.
Motion by Debbie Clark, seconded by Pat Hollada to move forward with the upgrade.

Old Business:

Nothing to report in regards to personnell or the Reading Garden.

New Business:

Statements of Economic Interest were distributed to all board members. Susan will return them to the County Clerk for filing by February 28, 2019.

There being no further business Stephanie Hart motioned, Debbie Clark seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:42.

Susan Stickel


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