July 11, 2017

JULY 11, 2017
5:15 PM

A public hearing for the proposed 2017-18 Budget for the Benton Public Library was held on Tuesday. July 11th, 2017 at 5:15 pm in the meting room of The Benton Public Library.

The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm.

The following board members were present: Stephanie Hart, Doris Heaton, Pat Hollada, Kathy Storey, and Sue Wells.

The following board members were absent: Deborah Clarkand Jake Seymour.

Also present: Kimberly Livesay, Bookkeeper and Susan Stickel, Director.

The proposed budget was presented and available for public discussion.
No public in attendance.
Meeting adjourned 5:30 pm.

Susan Stickel

JULY 11, 2017
5:30 PM

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 by Board President Sue Wells.

Members Present: Stephanie Hart, Doris Heaton, Pat Hollada, Kathy Storey, and Sue Wells.

Memebers Absent: Deborah Clark and Jake Seymour.

Also present: Kimberly Livesay, Bookkeeper and Susan Stickel, Director.

Lazerware representative Tony Hayden addressed the issue of aging computer equipment. This issue was tabled until next board meeting.

Motion by Doris Heaton, seconded by Stephanie Hart to approve the June minutes.All were in favor.

Motion by Stephanie Hart, seconded by Doris Heaton to approve the payment of bills and financial reports. All were in favor.

Librarian’s Report:

The new roof has been completed. The tree on the west side of the building has been removed. Susan has contacted F.W. Electric and is waiting on an electrical quote for the automatic door operator.

Susan has prepared a letter and minutes as requested by the State Bank of Whittington regarding authorized signers.

The electronic storage room has been organized. Old outdated equipment can be recycled at Benton High School on Saturday, July 22. Susan will take care of this.

Old Business:

The board accepted with regret the resignation of part-time employee Robin Culbreth.

Doris Heaton made the motion, Stephanie Hart seconded to approve Ordinance #104-17 Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year Beginning the First Day of July, 2017, and Ending The 30th Day of June, 2018. This was passed by a unanimous yea vote.

Staff evaluations were presented by Susan. Motion by Doris Heaton and seconded by Stephanie Hart to approve a 4% pay raise passed. The director evaluation will be in August.

At this time the board has declined a partnership with Mers/Goodwill Senior Employment Program.

New Business:

Donations to the library:

In honor of Ido and Elizabeth Melamed’s wedding, the couple have requested wedding gift donations be given to the library in honor of their marriage.

Dianna House made a donation to the Summer Reading Program.

E. E. Dorris has given a donation.

Ray Minor donated the Lego sets that were used in the latest raffle.

Susan requested the board consider closure on August 21st for safety issues as well as allowing staff to spend the event with family and friends. Stephanie made the motion, Kathy Storey seconded to close the library August 21, 2017 for the entire day and evening. All were in favor.

There is no other business to report or public comment.

Meeting was adjourned 6:43 pm.

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