January 10, 2017

JANUARY 12, 2017

The meeting was called to order by President Sue Wells at 5:33 pm.

Members Present: Stephanie Hart, Doris Heaton, Jake Seymour (by teleconference), Kathy Storey, and Sue Wells.

Members Absent: Sammy Kraft

Also Present: Susan Stickel, Director

Motion by Doris Heaton, Stephanie Hart seconded to approve the December minutes passed. All in favor.

Motion by Doris Heaton, Kathy Storey seconded to approve the payment of bills passed. All in favor.

Motion b Doris Heaton , Stephanie Hart seconded to move $1,000 from Liability Contingency to Workman’s Compensation. In addition, to move $7000 from Personnel Contingency to Library Benefits. Motion passed. All in favor.

Librarian’s Report: Local photographer Brian Crisp has donated two photographs to the library from his collection. Doris Heaton suggested an open house/tea be held at a later date highlighting the artwork. Susan will arrange this when project is nearing completion.

The board has accepted with regret the resignation of employee Mary Eubanks.

Old Business:

Regarding the roof, the board has instructed Susan to advertise for bids in The Southern Illinoisan and The Benton Evening News.

Any further progress on th e children’s area will be addressed in the spring.

New Business:

Susan has submitted the Per-Capita grant and the Live & Learn construction Grant applications.

With the recent passing of Mrs. Lynn Shotts, the family has requested memorials be given to the library in her honor.

Motion by Stephanie Hart, Kathy Storey seconded to adjourn at 6:07 pm.

Susan Stickel

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