November 11, 2015

NOVEMBER 11, 2015


The meeting was called to order by President Doris Heaton at 6:00 pm.

Motion by Sammy Kraft to approve the minutes of the meeting of 10/14/15 passed.

Motion by Sammy Kraft to approve the financial reports passed.

Librarian’s Report: Susan Stickel asked of any board members would be able to attend the Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner on November 19. Stephanie Hart and Pam Appleton stated that they would possibly be able to go.

The shed has been re-roofed by Henry Stickel.

A report on activities with the middle school was given. Various displays are being arranged.

The Halloween fright night organized by the High School History Club was a success. However members were concerned about charging the public $2 to enter the building and participate.

The Holiday Rummage Sale held by the staff raised $300.45.

The computer lease program is for $505.74 per month.

Program Director’s Report: There was no report as the director was not present and had not submitted any statistics.

Centennial Committee: Pam Appleton reported that there have been 3 meetings with committee members including those from the staff, public and board. The Centennial Day in May will be held on May 21, 2016. The next committee meeting will be January 12, 2016.

New Business: there was no new business

Motion by Sammy Kraft to adjourn at 7:20 pm passed.

Doris Heaton


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