February 11, 2015




February 11, 2015


The meeting was called to order by President Doris Heaton at 6:00pm.


Roll Call: Doris Heaton, President; Sammy Kraft, Secretary; Pam Appleton, and Stephanie Hart.


Stephanie ahsrt moved and Sammy Kraft seconded to approve the Consent Agenda of Approval of Minutes, Financial Report and Payment of Bills. Motion passed.


The Program Director’s report was presented by the president.


Old Business: We will call Wilbur or Jeff Van Horn for assistance with the roof problem.


The employment of a new library director was discussed. Motion by Stephanie Hart, seconded by Sammy Kraft to hire Susan Stickel for the position at a salary to be determined for the first 90 days probation period. Motion unanimously on roll call vote.


Copies of the revised pages of the policy manual regarding personnel were distributed. Motion by Sammy Kraft seconded by Stephanie Hart to approve the changes passed.


New Business: A discussion followed regarding possible changes in auditing firms for 2015 audit.


We will be celebrating the 100th birthday of the Benton Public Library on May 1 2016. Plans were discussed regarding this event.


National Library Week will be April 12-18, 2015. We will use the Behind Every Great Community Is A Great Library theme.


Motion by Sammy Kraft seconded by Stephanie Hart to appoint Jake Seymour as Chief Financial Officer. The written local investment policy is part of our policy manual.


Motion by Staephanie Hart seconded by Pam Appleton to adjourn the meetingpassed.


Doris Heaton


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